A blood glucose level of 129 mg/dL can be considered high depending on the context:
Fasting Blood Sugar: If this is a fasting blood sugar level (measured after not eating for at least 8 hours), it is higher than the normal range (70–99 mg/dL) and falls into the prediabetes range (100–125 mg/dL).
Post-Meal (Postprandial): If measured 1–2 hours after eating, a level of 129 mg/dL is generally within the normal range (less than 140 mg/dL).
What to Do:
If this is a fasting level, consult your healthcare provider for further evaluation, as it may indicate prediabetes or diabetes.
If it’s post-meal, monitor your levels regularly and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Always discuss your results with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.