how to calculate hba1c
Asked by: GlucoseTracker101
The HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c) test measures the average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months. It is calculated based on the percentage of hemoglobin that is glycated (has glucose attached to it). Here’s how it works:
Below 5.7 Normal 5.7 - 6.4 Prediabetes 6.5 or above Diabetes
For example, an HbA1c of 7% corresponds to an estimated average glucose (eAG) of 154 mg/dL.
The estimated average glucose (eAG) can be calculated using the formula:
eAG (mg/dL) = 28.7 × HbA1c - 46.7
This formula helps convert HbA1c percentages into average blood glucose levels, which can be easier to understand for daily management.
If you need to calculate your HbA1c, consult your healthcare provider for accurate testing and interpretation.