Diabetes Testing
Diabetes testing involves various methods to diagnose and monitor diabetes, including blood tests like the A1C test, fasting blood sugar test, and glucose tolerance test. These tests help determine blood sugar levels, identify prediabetes, and confirm diabetes. Regular monitoring is essential for managing the condition effectively.
Diabetes Testing Frequently Asked Questions
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Related Topics
A1C Testing
A1C testing is a common blood test used to measure average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months. It helps diagnose and monitor diabetes, assess treatment effectiveness, and guide lifestyle changes. Learn about how the test is performed, its accuracy, factors that can influence results, and how often it should be checked.
A1C Test
The A1C test measures average blood glucose levels over the past 2-3 months. It does not require fasting, making it convenient for diabetes management and diagnosis. Users often ask if fasting is necessary, how it compares to fasting glucose, and if eating before the test affects results.
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